Queering Sex Education
Room 3-115
12:00 pm - 01:00 pm
Join us on March 6th at 12:00pm for a timely conversation on queering sex education. Maddi Howard from RESTORE Rape Crisis Program will be joining us. This program is primarily for students. We will be in room 3-115.
Register online for the program and lunch.
Currently, sex education standards vary widely across the country, leaving many American youth uninformed about basic anatomy, healthy relationship skills, and safer sex practices. On top of this, LGBT youth face particular challenges. Sex education materials often assume students are heterosexual and nontransgender. Many sex education curricula do not mention sexual orientation or gender identity at all, and some that do discuss it only in a negative light. This not only prevents LGBT students from learning the information and skills they need to stay healthy, but it also contributes to a climate of exclusion in schools, where LGBT students are already frequent targets of bullying and discrimination.
Please consider offering extra credit to your students for attending the program. If you can, please email Michelle Carroll (mcarroll29@mldad.com).